Dulce de Leche
Dulce de leche (dool-seh-deh-leh-cheh) is a thick & incredibly pure tasting caramel type sauce made from milk & sugar. It’s name literally translates to “sweet milk”. Dulce de leche is the key ingredient in many Latin desserts & pastries. It has a rich caramel flavor that will keep you coming back for more😍
Dulce de leche is prepared by ever so slowly heating sweetened cow’s milk over many hours until it reduces, creating a substance that derives its flavour from the reaction between the amino acids & the reducing sugars. This reaction is also what helps develop its deep, rich colour.
Dulce de leche has a long and storied history dating back as far as 1829. It has even been the cause of international tensions, with Argentina & Uruguay fighting over the right to call it their own! (You’ll understand once you’ve tried it😉) The Dulce de leche origin story varies, depending on who’s telling it but…
As the story goes Dulce de Leche was discovered by accident in Argentina by the seemingly forgetful maid of General Manuel de Rosas. The maid was busy cooking milk & sugar in order to prepare a warm drink for the General. Unfortunately (or fortunately for us) she was unexpectedly called away amidst her cooking. When she returned, she discovered the milk had transformed into the thick heavenly caramel that we now know as Dulce de Leche. The first historical reference to the dessert comes from a peace meeting between Juan Manuel de Rosa & his political enemy, Juan Lavalle, in 1829. I’m not sure how that turned out but you should know that you can definitely win friends with Dulce De Leche💓
Whatever the true story may be, the end result of this “sweet milk” is the same everywhere – people can’t get enough of it.
You will find Dulce de Leche on pastries, ice cream, yogurt, biscuits… Including our traditional Alfajores, tarts, cheesecakes & my personal favourite: on a spoon😍
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